Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Where are the New Answers?

Dear "Bible Answers" Readers,
We are so glad that so many of you have continued to read this blog for answers and direction over this past year...despite the lack of any new postings. We thought you might like a brief explanation.

The Bad News: For those of you who have wondered why there has been no new activity on this blog for the last year...in May of 2011 we had to reorganize our church staff to move strongly into the next phase of our ministry as a church, and at the same time to make cuts to live within our budget. As a result, there was a sizable staff lay-off, this included the pastor who was responsible for posting the answers to this blog (Greg). There were some comments added to some particular postings over the last year, but no fresh content posts.

The Good News: I (Greg) have been contracting with the church to provide content for two other blogs supporting Pastor Randy's excellent sermon series on Luke: Jesus for Everyone. One blog provides background information as well as study questions to go along with sermon notes and introductory videos that were shot on-site in Israel in Nov.-Dec. 2011 that can be viewed at http://jesus4everyone.blogspot.com/. The second blog also supports our study in Luke and contains my own Bible journaling on the relevant passages each week which can be read at http://b4lukejournal.blogspot.com/.

The Future: We intend to provide new content on this blog with some regularity going forward, as people ask questions at “Ask a Pastorwith regularity as circumstances allow. There have been a number of questions asked and answered in the past year that have simply not made it to this blog and we hope to do some catching up soon!

If this resource has been helpful to you please let us know...and if you have other questions you would like us to address feel free to ask.

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If you have questions you would like us to address, simply add a comment to the "Questions" post and we will answer it under its own post...